Tag: Migraine doctor amritsar

Suffering from migraines?

If you suffer from migraines, especially if you experience neck pain or have a history of head or neck trauma we encourage you to schedule a consultation. You may be about to take the first step down the path of better overall health and well-being. Schedule a consultation today

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Migraine is a type of headache

Migraine is a type of headache. It can be unilateral or bilateral, pulsating or non pulsating, which lasts for more than four hours. Site can be frontal, occipital or temporal. In some patients it is associated with visual or other auras called classical migraine. Migraine is treatable and in some curable also. There are some triggering factors which provoke migraine attacks like absence of sleep, food , smells, fragrances, travelling. Best thing is to identify your triggers and avoid it. Second is to start prophylactic medicines before it becomes chronic migraine.

For other guidance related to headache consult us at: (0183) 2224424, 5062224, 98146-52424

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5 Things That Could Make Your Migraines Worse

5 Things That Could Make Your Migraines Worse

✅ Bright Lights: Certain types of lighting, like fluorescents and strobes, can make bad headaches worse.

✅ Poor Sleep: If you wake up with severe pain, poor sleep could be a migraine trigger. Stick to a regular sleep schedule every day of the week

✅ Inconsistent Schedules: Skipping meals can cause your pain levels to rise. Try to eat nutritious meals and snacks on a consistent schedule or at regular intervals

✅ Physical Exertion: If you’ve noticed that a long run, a hard weight lifting session, or a strenuous day at a jobsite causes your pain levels to rise, talk with your doctor.

✅ Stress: Be aware of what causes stress in your life, and try making small changes or plan ahead to lower anxiety. We pay close attention to your unique neurological needs. From migraines to nervous system treatment, count on us. Call us at: (0183) 2224424, 5062224, 98146-52424

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