Sehgal’s Neuro & Child care centre, Amritsar is one of the few centres of the region to provide superspeciality Paediatric neurology care. Paediatric Neurology refers to a specialized branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and management of neurological conditions in neonates, infants, children and adolescents. These disorders include different types of epilepsy, cerebral palsy, mental retardation, learning disabilities, complex genetic & metabolic diseases, Nerve and muscle diseases and other challenging conditions. These can be present in unique form in children.
Our team of experts include Dr. Vineet Sehgal , a renowned neurologist and Dr. Lucky Bhalla a well known Paediatrician, Child psychologist and Speech therapist. Under their guidance special protocols have been designed to treat, manage and support the children.
Moreover, the team ensures that during treatment your child feels secure, welcome and at ease. We are dedicated to assist each child meet his potential and lead a rewarding life.
We provide a range of neurodiagnostic services especially for children which include BERA (for auditory assessment), EEG, VER, Polysomnography, NCS, EMG, Neuropsychological, IQ testing, genetic counselling, behaviour therapy, adolescent counselling, speech therapy, parental counselling, physiotherapy and Botox injection for children with cerebral palsy.